how can something i once dreamed of be so scary?

once there was a girl
a little girl who smiled
ringlets in her hair
eyes sparkling with joy
without one care in the world

once there was a girl
a little girl who hoped
dreams in her mind
eyes big and happy
who started planning her future

now she is a monster 
inside a girl
eyes pretty from a distance
deep and sad when you get close
with the weight of the world on her shoulders

and she loves people who aren't even there
because they won't leave her
and she can't tell what she's feeling
because she's used to feeling for others
and she remembers--

she remembers when she wanted so many friends
but it's more to lose
more heartbreak

she remembers when she wanted independence
but she can't make her own decisions
they will be wrong

she remembers when she wanted children 
but they will make her unclean
she is disgusting

she remembers when she wanted peace
but now she can't trust herself
when she's alone

she remembers when she wanted help
but it is impossible
"i'm okay"

she remembers when she wanted to be an individual
but it made her wish others weren't
and she was

she remembers when she wanted a boy
but she backed away 
and cried

but she vows to be the kindest
so she hollows herself out
until she doesn't know who she is
so she starves herself of love
because it should belong to someone else


  1. Feeling very blessed to have this poem. Ummm it’s amazing.

  2. this poem is really beautiful and amazing you're awesome and worth the world xx ly iz


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