The Princess Bride - Book Review

So, this was the first book I finished today! It was a lot more lighthearted than the other one I finished...

I'm sure you would have heard of the movie The Princess Bride. BUT it is also a book! I know right! I am actually guilty of watching the movie first (but I was kinda forced to... and I didn't see the whole thing so I'm not sure about the end...) and can I just say, The Princess Bride movie is the most accurate book-to-movie adaptation I have ever seen!! So much was the same, and when it was different, it was only backstory stuff cut out, not things changed. Except for the sharks to "the shrieking eels" or whatever they were. I think that one of the main reasons for this is because William Goldman, the dude who abridged the novel (but everyone just says he wrote it, except him), also wrote the screenplay or something for the movie. 

Oh, but they did change the colour of Buttercup's hair, I think. In the book it's "autumn" but in the film it is like blonde. We LoVe when they completely change the character's appearance for the movie, DoN't We, PeRcY jAcKsOn? Sorry if the alternating capitals were used incorrectly, I just wanted to get the message across that it was sarcasm...

So, yes. If finally given the choice, I may actually choose to watch the movie... please forgive me.

The Princess Bride (let's just say "by") by William Goldman, 10-11+*


*This age recommendation is only my opinion. Some younger people might feel comfortable reading this book, and some older people might not. That's fine, either way. Warning for some scary scenes and, like, medieval-style stuff in this book.
